I’ll be giving a talk at the Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) Business Forecast Conference on October 28 at the Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills California.  James Paulsen of Wells Capital Management and William Roberts of my undergraduate Alma Mater, California State University Northridge, will also be there. The three of us were… Read more

Last winter I gave a forecast to the agents of a commercial real estate company.  The forecast was necessarily negative, but it was well received by the agents.  The company’s president was another matter.  He was downright angry.  I wasn’t optimistic enough.  A very similar vignette played itself out when I gave a forecast to… Read more

Finally, people are starting to see the problem with the United States economy.  This piece is typical.  For over a year now, we have been warning that the United States could be facing a long period of slow economic growth, similar to what Japan has seen for the past couple of decades. Seeing a problem… Read more