This is a question that I’ve never seen asked, at least not in the popular press, but it seems important to me, and I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately. For one thing, how can you possibly write good regulation if you don’t know what you are trying to do? It could be that… Read more

I recently gave a talk and itemized my principals for bank regulation. They are: • Keep it simple • Preserve correct incentives • Minimize political influence • Maximize market feedback • Minimize moral hazard issues • Regulation is not protection Our friends at KERN Economics have come up with a plan that meets all of… Read more

The Mysterious Effective Demand tweeted and blogged on a paper by University of Arizona Professor Brent T. White. I haven’t read the full paper, but the portion quoted by Effective Demand presents a pretty simple and predictable argument that “Millions of American homeowners are “underwater” on their mortgages – owing more than the value of… Read more

I tweeted the title of this blog entry the other day and got a bit of pushback. My tweet was in response to this Yahoo! article. It seems that bank regulators want to control bank executives’ salaries as part of a plan to reduce risk taking at banks. Of course, the problem is that the… Read more